Red White and Blue Dream

Driving north out of Seattle in June, blue skies seemed only fitting as we made our way to Granite Falls to capture the beauty of Green Chief's Blue Dream. If you've ever visited the PNW, you know that June is a fickle month. The sun, the rain, the cold, the heat, the weather…June is difficult to predict and is the last test of our willpower as we push through to summer truly arriving. We wait for these few sunny months, when the dark days are gone. Locals keep these serene, blue sky days a secret from the rest of the world. Summer blue skies are the best kept secret of the PNW. 

As we drive, crisp air bursts in through the rolled down car windows and screams that summer is nearly here. Views of Mount Baker, the Olympics, and Mount Rainer tower around us in every direction. This, is what the word “awesome” was meant to describe. 

We roll around roundabouts, past mattress sales and over streams until we see the barn peeking out through woods: we have arrived. Outside the city, the air feels hotter…there's no sea breeze and it seemed for a moment as if summer was waiting here for us.

After searching for the right door, we were let inside to head up the trimming room where our Blue Dream is receiving her final touchups. The attic space is hot and dry - much hotter than outside, yet no one notices as they clip away at these beautiful buds. I'm not certain, but if there's a heaven, it smells like this. 

Cass was right. This is some of the most beautiful Blue Dream we've ever seen. The bud looks, smells, and feels amazing. The dense bright green sticky nugs are pungent. This is the real deal and as we crack a small bud open, that sweet and spicy smell fills my nostrils…we know this is the one.  

Since Washington legalized cannabis, Blue Dream has become one of, if not the most, well-known cannabis strains in existence. With California roots, Blue Dream is a sativa-dominant Hybrid, and her popularity is largely due to her reliability. Blue Dream has a natural resiliency to mildew and has become an easy go to for growers. Unfortunately, Blue Dream reliability has also led to watered down genetics and a more Indica lean in effect. 

Not this Blue Dream, this Blue Dream is as real as the PNW summer is bound to be beautiful. 

Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
From now on

-Rachel Hurvitz